N. 43 Rainer F.

Langnau am Albis - Svizzera

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8 Gennaio 2008

Ardea berlina quarta serie

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La Scheda

Nome* e cognome del proprietario     ( Name and family name of the owner ): Rainer F.

Luogo di residenza: via, città, provincia*, nazione* ( Address: street, town, country ): Langnau am Albis, Switzerland

Recapito telefonico ( Phone number ): -

Recapito mail*  ( Mail address ): -

Tipologia vettura* ( Car model ): 4th series

Anno di fabbricazione* ( Manufactured in the year): 1950

N. di telaio* ( Chassis number ): 250-14380

N. di motore* ( Engine number ): 100A-18687

Colore carrozzeria / interni* ( Body color / Interior): green/brown, not original

Breve storia della vettura* ( Short history of the car) ):  I bought the car in Switzerland in October 2007. The car was originally driven in Italy. Its original number plates: TO 107946. The car was exported to Switzerland in May 1986. Then it was stored in a garage for many years.
The bodywork is now restored, mechanically it’s in rather minor condition.

Commenti aggiuntivi*  ( Further notes ): -

* Solo le voci contrassegnate con un asterisco sono pubblicate. Chi desiderasse un oscuramento della targa è pregato di richiederlo.

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